I got this cartoon idea after watching Jeneane Garofalo on Bill Maher’s show where she went on to say that some, not all the hype that is directed a Obama in non support of him or his administration can be attributed to a white power movement sighting Nazi signs and the like as well as bringing up the Tea Party goers, Glenn Beck and the Nine Twelver's in the same little clip. She calls the people who consider themselves part of the Tea Party movement “Tea Baggers” as well. I’m not all too sure what she is trying to imply there but I have my suspicions. There is a video clip on YouTube if you would like to check it out and see for yourself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMU7pklZN2s
I will let the adults decide who the racist may or may not be. Anyway, the data was downloaded into the cartoon factory and this is what came out the other end. Enjoy and have a great day.