Saturday, November 28, 2009

Funny Obama Cartoons: The Money Tree

I did this cartoon as a result of listening and reading some news reports about the dollar and its recent decline. I also was thinking about all the spending that is going on at a national and local level and allegedly there are talks of more stimuli being discussed beyond the first couple of rounds. I realize that dollars are being printed constantly and have been since before President Obama took office but since he’s the current President he gets to be in the cartoon. Anyway, I was thinking that some day down the road with all this printing going on there will be nothing left on the tree in a way, meaning that the dollar will be so diluted in the market place that it will be relatively worthless and it won’t really matter if the printing presses are going at break neck speed. What then? What will the answer to the problem be? That is where this cartoon idea came from. Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Funny Twitter Cartoon: Getting old?

I had this cartoon idea while thinking about what older folks thought about this world of social media and how a conversation between the two generations might look. This is what I came up with. Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Funny Financial Cartoons: It’s a Bear Market Rally

This cartoon came to me as I was looking up info on bear markets and more specifically bear market rallies. I was somewhat familiar with the term but decided to do a little research on the subject because it is a term that has been thrown around a few times lately as well as the thought that there might be the possibility of a double dip recession. I have always been interested in the stock market and even tried day trading for a time. I draw funny pictures now so you can take a guess on how my day trading hopes went. I will say that I learned quite a bit about it but it was more costly than I would have preferred, probably would have been better off taking some art classes or something. Anyway, a bear market rally is basically when the market goes up significantly after a large loss and then drops again below the previous low. Then it moves back up again giving everyone hope only to fall again lower than before. That cycle continues over time and when looked at over time it is basically a downward trend with a bunch of blips up. At least that is the way I understand it from my reading. That is basically how this cartoon came to life. Enjoy and have a great day.