Saturday, March 21, 2009

Political Cartoon Humor, The Use of Political Capital

There has been a lot of talk this week about the AIG bonuses, Government Budgets, the economy and a variety of other subjects including the President going on late night TV, another first for a standing president. I thought of this cartoon because of this late night TV appearance. It seems to me that whenever a perceived crisis, conspiracy or whatever you want to call it, the president leaves Washington and to cash in on some of that popularity capital that he has been given from his followers. The reason I say this is that he remains popular as a president while the policies seem to be loosing traction which would indicate that he has done a good job of separating himself from his policies. If that is the plan it seems to have worked thus far. Anyway, it gave me the idea for this cartoon. Enjoy and have a great day.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Down at the Government Think Tank

I was thinking about all the missteps and gaffs as well as all the examples of people in government posturing for their next election cycle only to have to re-posture because the first one ended up putting them on the un-popular side of an issue. It must be mind numbing to be a politician right now.

(Wait…wait….did I hear a collective “poor babies”……..oh no sorry my mistake… was just crickets.)

Anyway, back to my point. I did this cartoon several years ago and it seemed to fit in the context of a Government Think Tank or Lack of Think Tank. Enjoy and have a great day.

Political Cartoon Humor, The Audacity of Hope-ocrisy

I had the idea for this cartoon a little while ago but did not do it because there were so many other things I had on my list of “things to do”. I finally got around to it and all things considered, it seems more relevant today. I have been watching and reading the media clips and trying to look beyond what all the hype to try to figure out what is going on in the background. It is starting to feel like most of what you see and read is just a smoke screen to keep our eye on the right or left hand while the opposite hand is taking the wallet out of your back pocket…..I don’t know but for some reason it just feels that way to me. Anyway, this cartoon is an accumulation of all the silly things that I have observed from the current goofballs in Washington. I say current because I believe that this is nothing that is really new by any stretch of the imagination but for one reason or another, the level has been taken to the power of 10. Enjoy and have a great day.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Saint Patrick's Day Humor

Being that it is the day and all I thought I would put up something that celebrated it. This is my cartoon on the ever long hunt for gold. It's name is simply "So close". Enjoy and Happy Saint Patrick's Day.